Coral Tree

I came across this seed pod while on a trip to Costa Rica.  I was looking for rocks one day by the Bijagual river when I spied something colorful on a little island mid-stream.  When I made my way over to it I was delighted to find the most unusual seed pod I had ever seen.  The resident botanist informed me the pod was from a Coral Tree and its incredible colors and shape  inspired this linocut.  Visit my blog, Nessy Designs, for more images and further details about the process.


The video shows me  pulling the fourth and final color of the Coral Tree print.

For a video of the sketching process click here.

the coral tree Print is available for purchase.

Coral Tree Linocut


This linocut was printed using oil-based ink on cotton paper.  This is a four-color limited edition print.

Quantity: 14
Dimensions: 25''W x 38''H
Price: $800

“To know the world is the chiefest delight in life.”
— Stephen Cope