“Why do people persist in creating, even when it’s difficult and inconvenient and often financially unrewarding? They persist because they are in love. ”
About Vanessa Sorensen
The road from tagging and tracking bears as a mammalogist to making giant linocut fine art prints of botanicals is definitely my love story.
I have always loved animals and studied zoology as an undergrad and graduate student. After studying black bear behavior in graduate school I worked at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences where I was an exhibit designer, whale re-articulator, and taxidermy overseer. Working at the museum was a wonderful experience where I was able to combine my interests in both ecology and design.
Then I fell in love with an ornithologist, got married and moved to Houston, Texas. I went back to school for art and became a graphic designer. This was a wonderfully creative time for me where I dove in to making large metal sculptures, learned the ins and outs of graphic design, and also really became interested in gardening. (You can grow LOTS of plants in Houston!)
My husband and I eventually moved to Cincinnati, Ohio where I continued work as a graphic designer for over a decade. Working as a graphic designer I was exposed to many styles and was always intrigued by printmaking. I took several courses while working full-time and learned many techniques but was most smitten with block relief printing.
In 2014, after years of working for other people and companies, I decided it was time to follow my own artistic muse and made the difficult decision to quit my graphic design work and pursue printmaking full-time. My goal was to make giant botanical linocut prints and I am now pleased to finally say that I reached that goal!
Printmaking can be difficult and I can't say there weren't times when I wondered what the heck I was doing. But my true goal in making these prints is to convey the wonder and awe I feel when I look at the natural world around us. I want you to stand in utter amazement just like I do when I pick up an acorn; breathless and transfixed for just a moment.
It is my hope that you also feel that moment of magic when viewing my prints and that they bring that feeling of wonder into your home.
If you would like to see more of my "other" work (my books, illustrations, sculpture, and photography) please visit vanessasorensen.com or my blog, Nessy Designs.